Church HistorY

A Brief History of St. Paul’s
The historical records of Carbon County mention the presence of missionary activity in Kidder Township sometime around the year 1847. It may be surmised that this activity led to the organization of a congregation which erected the present church in 1882. We are fortunate to still have the resolution which was adopted by the members on April 7, 1882. It reads as follows:
We the members of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church have resolved to build a small church near Albrightsville for our use. As the county is thinly inhabited the right of burying in the graveyard belonging to the congregation is granted to members of other churches that help in the building and sustaining of St. Paul with the privilege or occupying the church on funeral occasions. The minister of this church officiating as desired. Otherwise, and at all other times the pastor of this church is to occupy the pulpit and perform all official acts. Therefore, we the signees pledge ourselves to pay the amount assigned to our name.
During the first one hundred years St. Paul’s was serve either by supply pastors or pastors from neighboring congregations. Some of the Lutheran churches which shared their ministry with St. Paul’s were St. John’s, Jim Thorpe; St. Paul’s, White Haven and Christ, Christmans. From the church records certain important events have been gleaned, together with some small details of historical interest.
The Reverend W.C. Lauer received the deed to the church property in 1894 from William Getz. In 1903 a church organ was purchased for the outstanding sum of $40.16. The first travel allowance for the pastor was granted in the form of a salary increase in 1908 so he could hire a team of horses in order that the members of the congregation would not have to take him around the parish.
pastoral HistorY
Pastors who served at St. Paul’s the first hundred years:
1847 – The Rev. J. F. Hornberger
1879 – 1881 – The Rev. Strauss
1887 – The Rev. G. G Kunkel
1890 – The Rev. S.B. Stupp
1891 – The Rev. E.F. Ritter
1892 – The Rev. J. F Kruder
The Rev. J. Hilpot
1893 – 1897 – The Rev. A. G. L. Breisey
1903 – 1908 – The Rev. W. C. Lauer
1911 – 1912 – The Rev. W. C. Lauer
1915 – The Rev. Krause
1917 – The Rev. Kramlich
The Rev. Offerman
1919 – 1954 – The Rev. William Geiger
1956 – 1957 – The Rev. G. Jacoby
1958 – 1963 – The Rev. Hagen Staak
1964 – 1965 – The Rev. O. Schlessman
1966 – The Rev. Deibert
1970 – The Rev. Gramm Rinehart
1970 – 1978 – The Rev. John Warren
1979 – 1980 – The Rev. Thomas Keener
1980 – 1981 – The Rev. Edward Fernandez
1982 – The Rev. William C. Leopold